Conference - Australia
We are delighted to have bereaved parents gathering in Australia to join the live conference. Because of the time difference, the schedule is quite different and is posted below. If you live in the south east regions of Queensland and are interested in attending in person, contact for more information.
All attendees will receive the recordings for all sessions. Descriptions of workshops and bios of speakers can be viewed here.
SCHEDULE- Saturday, April 13
7 AM - Breakout Session - Forgiveness Doesn't Change the Past, But Holds the Power to Change the Future (Lisa Thacker)
8:30 AM - Breakout Session - God's Faithfulness Through the Journey of Grief (Billy & Julie Melton)
9:45 a.m. - Morning Tea
10:30 a.m. - Chat with Speakers in U.S. via Zoom
11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. - General Session- “Rejoicing, Even in This” Dr. Jeff Dickson
12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Lunch
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m - Mini-Gathering
2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - General Session- “What, Exactly IS Grief Work?” Melanie DeSimone
4:00 - End of Conference
Rhyl Venning lives on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia, and had the privilege of being Kari-Lee's mother. If you Google Queensland, you'll see that it's a beautiful place to live, with miles of awesome beaches and picturesque countryside. She is married to Peter and has one remaining daughter, Tiana, who is now twenty-nine years old and married to Matthew. Rhyl most recently worked as a nanny but now delights in being “Nana” to her first precious grandchild, Kari Florence (known as Florence). Before Kari-Lee went to Heaven, she worked as an Occupational Therapist, spending the last twenty years working with children who had moderate to severe disabilities. She facilitates a While We're Waiting support group for bereaved mums, and is the Volunteer Care Coordinator for the local Make-A-Wish group, and puppy cares for Seeing Eye Dogs. She enjoys her KYB (Know your Bible) study group, and is the author of Sunlight on the Ocean: A Mother's Memoir of Love and Loss, Heartbreak and Hope. In her free time, she loves to walk on the beach, scrapbook, swim, grow veggies, read, and catch up with friends and family for a cuppa and chat.