Thoughts about loss, grief, and hope
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Don’t Lose Heart
Are you battling discouragement? Focus on Jesus and you will find strength and encouragement to face the hardship of today.

Seeing in Color
I have heard it said that we saw in black and white before, but we now see in color, vivid color.

It’s Okay to Cry
If you are grieving a loss, please know that those tears are part of the process and can provide healing for your hurting heart. Give yourself permission to cry.

The Discovery of a Lifetime
You can grieve from a “place of rest” knowing that your Father is holding you, protecting you, and guiding you. You are safe in His hand.

The Monkey and the Coconut
When we come to God regularly, placing all the anger, fear, guilt, jealously, doubt, and whatever else is plaguing our hearts and trapping us within our own limited understanding, we find relief and release.

An Untamed River
Trudging through hopelessness with Jesus provides you a loving, empathetic companion, specifically the One who relates to every last sorrow you’ll ever face.

Exhaustion of the Soul
I want to challenge you today that there is only one place to turn when you are in this place; only One who can relieve the deepest exhaustion of the soul.

A Renewed Understanding
Even though my heart aches so desperately, and I long to be able to spend time with my son, God’s love and mercy is evident EVERYWHERE.

Facing a New Year
As we enter a new year, we can fully trust God with our lives. He will bring beauty from ashes and make new streams in the desert. He will comfort and strengthen us, and fill us with His peace and joy.

Learning the Language of Lament: Putting It Into Practice
Our Rock is a strong foundation on which we are invited to humbly cast every tough question, complaint, and doubt that plagues us.

Gratitude Amidst Grief
Even in the middle of grief, there is much to be grateful for. It may be hard to recognize when your loss is new, but down the road, we hope you’ll find these statements to be true in your life, as they are in ours.

The Ache Remains
Don’t lose heart. Although the ache remains, you are being held by the One who loves you most.

Learning the Language of Lament
God hasn't directly answered ANY of my questions or specifically replied to ANY of my complaints. But He's shown me through the lament prayers I've prayed that His presence is the only answer I need.

Regular People
As you continue to trust Jesus through this painful chapter of your life, you will find that He will sustain you. When you cry out to Him in lament, He hears you and He cares. You are so deeply loved by the One who created you.

Discerning Truth
One day we’ll lay down our armor at the feet of Jesus, but until then, let’s put on the full armor, trust our Savior, and live our lives to glorify Him.

Learning to Wait
Is waiting really doing nothing? Actually, the word “wait” is a verb! It’s an action verb; something that we choose to do; and a difficult action to take sometimes.

Coping Strategies for the Grief Journey
My mind stops spinning as I realize God will give me the grace I need for today alone. And then He will give me what I need tomorrow and the next day and the next.

Standing on the Promises
Through this grief journey I have discovered that the promises of God never fail, never change, and never disappoint. Everything He promises happens just like He says.

National Nonprofit Day — Who Knew?
Since you are reading the Our Hearts Are Home blog, you are likely fairly aware of what we do, but it seemed appropriate to share our mission and goals on this day.