Kelly Brockman lives in Troy, Ohio with his wife Kathy. They have been together since high school and were married a few years after graduation. Kelly and Kathy have two daughters, Sarah and Erin, and four grandchildren. Each daughter has two children. They feel blessed to have both of their daughters and families nearby. On August 5, 2022, their lives were forever changed. Their oldest daughter, Sarah (41), and granddaughter, Kayla (15), were murdered in their home by a deranged neighbor, who went on to murder an elderly couple a few houses away.

Despite the profound emotional pain and trauma, they have found solace in the unwavering grace of God, which has been their guiding light through this excruciating ordeal. Their earnest hope is that they can utilize their experience to support others who have undergone traumatic encounters, by demonstrating that faith in Jesus Christ can be a powerful source of comfort and hope, even during the most difficult times. They firmly believe that God is omnipotent and that His mercy is never-ending.

Since starting on this journey, they have told themselves this pain cannot be wasted. Both his daughter Erin and Kelly have since been trained in trauma to help those who may be going through their own trauma. Erin has taken this training to the next level by becoming a certified trauma coach. They also have a deep desire to help local churches help and support those within their own congregations and local communities who have experienced trauma, as they have found that many churches are not prepared to come alongside those who are hurting. They trust their Heavenly Father to guide them as that is all they have.