Thoughts about loss, grief, and hope
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The Lingering Emptiness
Run to Jesus with your emptiness. He will come sit in that lonesome place with you. Do it again and again and again.

New Life in the Hard Places
He has given me fresh eyes to see the beauty from ashes and new ears to hear the cry of the wounded. The hard, unforgiving rock will be a part of the landscape of life until my own Heaven Day, but so will the new things that continue to sprout.

Who Needs Lament?
Who needs lament? Not just bereaved parents but EVERY BELIEVER! All of us face hardship, pain, and suffering because we live in a broken world. When Jesus returns or we go to Heaven, we won’t face these things anymore, but for now, we all do. Understanding the beautiful gift of lament can be life-changing and life-giving.
A Buoy That Holds
Have you experienced earth-shattering, beyond belief storms yet in your life? If not, you will. The longer you live, the more you will experience these times of hardship, heartache, illness, pain, death, and overwhelming grief. The storms of earthly life unleash with great fury.

Peace Amid Grief
Peace doesn’t cure my grief and trauma. It mingles amongst them, working to stabilize every corner of my soul, one nook and cranny at a time.

Only Jesus
Whether He provides healing while we are still on earth or carries us through suffering and we are healed in Heaven, He loves us. He is with us. He will never leave us.

Reflecting God’s Glory in a Season of Darkness
There will be a day when, with new bodies and new minds, we will behold God’s glory in all of its splendor, majesty, and fullness. Until then, we can allow it to shine through the cracks of our broken hearts, reflecting the hope we have in the Light of the World.

International Bereaved Mother’s Day
Why is this day important? That likely stands without a need for explanation. Having a day ahead of time to remember our children who no longer reside on earth acknowledges the importance of their lives, and acknowledges the pain of missing them.
“What! You too?”
CS Lewis wrote, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’”

The In-Between Time
They didn’t realize that the resurrection was coming. They didn’t know this was just the “in-between time.”

Lessons On Prayer: Talking to God When Your Heart Is Broken
God’s answer isn’t always deliverance from our suffering. Sometimes His grace shifts to sustaining us through our suffering instead. I will not experience deliverance from my grief until I’m in Heaven enjoying a tear-free existence with Jesus and Dalton. But God single-handedly sustains me every moment of every day in my anguish and weariness.

Mourning Has Broken
Grief and trauma are heavy and bring with them such an active mourning time. One of the many friends I have been blessed with through this experience describes those initial times as “the mourning.”

Our Thoughts Matter
We don’t always get to choose the thoughts that enter our minds. But we DO always get to choose whether those thoughts take root and stick around to inflict damage. Thankfully, God is always ready to help us make that choice. We don’t have to do it alone.

Held by the Master of All
Through the storms of life, and we will all experience more of them, we can rest, we can stand firm, and we can have peace and joy in all circumstances, knowing that we are held by the Master of all.

My Comfort Is Dependent On My Cooperation
I will never know the whys behind what took place. But, what I do know is that my Heavenly Father is repurposing this heartache in order to produce something through me for a cause far greater than myself.

An Incredible Promise
The Christmas season seems to be filled with additional memories for those of us who have lost someone dear. Although they are often bittersweet, I’m grateful for those memories.

A New Year Filled with Hope
We can look forward to the future; not merely to the hopeful expectations of a new year, but with the promise that one day, we will spend eternity with Jesus and those we love.

O Little Town of Bethlehem
The obscure little village of Bethlehem was prophesied about for hundreds of years, pointing to what would happen, when the time was right. Not a random choice, but planned by Almighty God.