Impact Report — 2023

Thank you for your generous support of Our Hearts Are Home. Your gifts make the difference in the lives of grieving parents and grandparents!

  1. National conferences (2)  (spring & fall)

    The first national conference was held in Tulsa, OK on April 21, at the IEW recording studio. Approximately 60 parents came in person, and nearly 150 attended online. The fall conference was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, with approximately 100 bereaved parents, and nearly 200 online. At the conferences, bereaved parents and grandparents find community, comfort, and hope through the many sessions, corporate meals, mini-gathering, and memorial service. Conferences are held twice each year, and continue to grow.

  2. Book Studies (4)

    Book Studies- Held via Zoom, these studies bring parents together in a more intimate setting, allowing them to develop lasting relationships with others. As parents share their own insights, participants encourage each other to live well while waiting to be reunited with their children.

  3. Online Gatherings (8)

    Gatherings provide parents and grandparents with an opportunity to share their stories within a community of others who are walking the same journey of loss. As participants share and learn from each other, they also find comfort, encouragement, and hope.

  4. In-Person Gatherings (1) Greenville, SC

    In-Person Gatherings provide bereaved parents with an extended time of connecting with others. The Gatherings are held on a Saturday, and include time to share stories, a meal, topical discussion, and offer so much comfort and encouragement. Hopefully, parents leave with contact information from another participant and develop a lasting relationship with other bereaved parents.

  5. Evening Webinars (2)

    Webinars offer opportunities for participants to learn, be challenged, share their ideas, and gain insights that they might not have previously considered.

  6. GriefShare™ — two 13-week semesters

    This internationally recognized program provides parents and grandparents with information and help to navigate grief. Held online, participants view the videos on their own, then come together for a time of discussion. Because all participants have lost a child or grandchild, the topics of grief are discussed in light of child loss.

  7. Online Support Groups — (all child loss & suicide loss)

    OHAH offers a monthly support group for all child loss, and a group for suicide loss that meets three evenings each month. The groups give parents an opportunity to have community with others who understand the challenges of child loss, and they find comfort and hope through the time together.

  8. Weekly Podcast (launched Dec. 2023)

    The Our Hearts Are Home Podcast — Trusting God in Suffering offers a variety of topics that challenge listeners to turn to Christ when navigating times of pain and suffering.

  9. Weekly Blog (published 27 articles)

    Written by members of the OHAH team, blogs offer comfort, encouragement, insights, and challenge readers to continually seek a deeper walk with Christ.

  10. YouTube Channel (added new content)

    The OHAH YouTube Channel provides encouraging content that is useful for those who have experienced suffering or loss.

  11. Personal Support to Grieving Parents

  12. Ministry team (grew to 25 volunteer leaders)

  13. OHAH Facebook page (scripture memes, blogs, podcasts) 1,600 followers

  14. Private Facebook Community Page for Parents- launched Dec. 2023

  15. Printed Resources & Free Downloads

    Free downloads are available to help grieving parents and help individuals understand how to better minister to them. OHAH published Until Then: Stories of Loss & Hope, fall of 2022. In 2024, two books will be published; Held Through the Storm: Stories of Suicide Loss and Hope in Christ and Reflections of a Grieving Mom

Happening in 2024 — Expanding Opportunities to Impact Bereaved Parents and Grandparents

  1. National conferences (2) — spring & fall

  2. Book Studies (9)

  3. Online Gatherings (13)

  4. In-Person Gatherings (Lynchburg, VA; Richmond, VA)

  5. Evening Webinars (6)

  6. GriefShare™ — two 13-week semesters

  7. Online Support Groups

  8. Weekly Podcast

  9. Weekly Blog

  10. YouTube Channel (adding new content)

  11. Personal Support to Grieving Parents

  12. Continuing to grow ministry team

  13. OHAH Facebook page (scripture memes, blogs, podcasts) continuing to grow

  14. Private Community Page for Parents- continuing to grow

  15. Printed Resources & Free Downloads

*New in 2024: sibling gathering, gathering for addiction/overdose, gathering for stillbirth, grandparent gathering, email ministry, local support group, book release 7/24- Held Through the Storm: Stories of Suicide Loss and Hope in Christ, book release 10/24- Reflections of a Grieving Mom