Thoughts about loss, grief, and hope
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Even in the Middle of Grief
Are you struggling this morning with a situation in your life? Have you been betrayed by someone, are facing a seemingly impossible situation, or have said goodbye to someone dear to you? Go to Jesus. It’s not a trite cliche’, but an ultimate truth. He is the only one who can truly bring comfort to our broken hearts.
Mourn With Those Who Mourn
As we allow ourselves to enter into someone’s pain, not only does the Lord use us to bring comfort and hope, but He continues to mold and shape us into who we are becoming.
Bereaved Parents and Friends — This Is For You
The bond that we feel the moment we meet someone else who has lost a child is astounding. A complete stranger becomes an instant friend.
One such opportunity is right around the corner! The Our Hearts Are Home Conference for Bereaved Parents takes place October 13-14, and you can participate online or in person.
Streams in the Desert
When I consider the words of the Lord written to the people of Israel through the prophet Isaiah, I find comfort and hope to navigate the desert I am walking through today.
National Bereaved Parents Awareness Month
As believers, we want to be a blessing to those around us who are hurting, whether they are experiencing child loss, other loss, or other painful situations. So what can we do to be more attuned to the needs of others? And can we, as the ones who are hurting, find a way to allow others to more clearly see our pain so they can help?
Finding Peace
One of the most prevalent apologetic issues that causes people to question the reality of the existence of God is this: Why would a loving God allow pain and suffering?
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
An old adage states that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” I feel that way today.
The Changing Waves of Grief
If you’ve lost someone you love, then you know the true meaning of exhaustion. In the beginning, just putting one foot in front of the other is a success, and small victories like fixing lunch are the day’s goal. It’s like the incessant sound of the ocean waves of the Atlantic; there isn’t a moment that you can’t hear them crashing.
Longing for Heaven
Over seven years in and the waves still come. Thankfully, they are now few and far between.
Finding Solace and Renewed Hope
As grieving parents spend time together, a beautiful picture of the Body of Christ is exemplified.
The Darkest Day
The darkest day in the history of mankind led to the event that changes everything.
Where is God?
Where is God?
My friend, I will tell you where I have discovered that He is.
March 4th, Again and Again
And in the middle of being thankful, the most important fact that we’ll be grateful for is that this separation is completely temporary. We know how this story ends! One day, in the not-so-distant future, we won’t have to miss him anymore.
He Will Not Let Go
When we are facing a storm in our lives, we can fully trust Him, knowing that He is holding us through every painful step. He never leaves. He never lets go. We can rest in Him. What an incredible truth!
Learning How to Comfort a Grieving Friend
Before losing Nathan, we really had no idea how to comfort someone in their grief. We were genuinely filled with compassion but had no clue what to do or say to truly be helpful to the bereaved person.
How to Help a Grieving Friend
We hope you’ll find some ideas to implement with someone you know who is missing a dear one this season.
“The Nathan I Remember”
This morning I received a gift…one that I had already opened several times before, but it keeps on giving, every time I read it.
The Power of Words
Words have power. Words have the power to influence, bring comfort, or cause hurt and pain.
Creator Love
One of the most powerful realizations that I’ve had, since losing Nathan from earthly life, is to truly recognize the unconditional love of God for me and for each of the people that He has created.
Earthly and Heavenly Birthdays
Do you have children or other loved ones in Heaven? As you trust the Lord through the remainder of your earthly life, remember that you already know the end of the story. A glorious reunion awaits!